Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hi Gerti,
I don't have enough words to tell you how much I enjoyed your book!!! Sitting next to the pool and looking out to sea only occasionally I couldn't tear myself away from it. So many memories came back. We have experienced so many similar things in our youth growing up in Germany and as for your writing skills (and English, please) I have to commend you profusely. Throughout the book I loved your positive outlook on just about everything that happened to you in life - what a talent!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Dear Gerti
I have just finished the last side of your book and I want to thank you again that I could share all these exciting memories of your life with you.
To read in this book was all the time very special to me. I am almost a little bit jealous that you have met so many interesting people in your life and I am very proud to have relatives who are brave enough to take a risk here and than. I am very glad to own this book. Well done GertiJ J J Thank you!
Heike H.
Hallo Tante Gerti,ich habe mir von Papa dein Buch ausgeliehen und lese dieses gerade. Ich muss sagen, dass ich es wirklich hoch interessant finde, da ich nach dem Besuch meiner Englisch-Schule lange überlegt habe, auch mal für ein halbes Jahr ins englischsprachige Ausland zu gehen (was ich aber aus Gründen des Sicherheitsdenken und aus Angst, alleine in einem fremden Land zu sein, verworfen habe). Umso mehr genieße ich deine Erfahrungen und Lebensgeschichte, die du in deinem Buch schilderst. Ich bin gerade bei dem Kapitel, wo du deine eigene Catering-Firma eröffnest. Ich freue mich schon wieder drauf, heute Abend ein Kapitel weiter zu kommen.Deshalb vielen Dank, dass ich an deiner Geschichte teilhaben darf...Liebe Grüße aus DeutschlandHeike Buir
Hi Gerti and Karl,Gerti I have been reading your book and what an amazing story !!!!! I'm where you got a job at the South Seas restaurant in Melbourne, couldn't speak Engish, got fired and didn't know it, and ended up working there til you left Australia. Having a baby ( Riki ) all alone, not understanding what anyone was saying. Honestly, I am so moved by your courage, determination, and hard work. It really should be published. My sister wants to read it after I'm finished.
Denise & Bill

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I was delighted to receive your book last week. Thank you ever so much!! We have spent lots of time reading it and getting to know you both through the book. Last night we where up for a long time both reading it together and laughing at some of your wonderful stories. Last Friday night we were out with friends at “The Pearl”, a restaurant in White Rock. We told them about you and your story. They had great big smiles and told us that they had celebrated their 25th anniversary at your bed and breakfast some 18 years ago. They recounted in great detail their memory of the wonderful rooms, the fresh flowers, the coffee at the door and the superb breakfast. They have done a lot of travelling but the 2 days spent with you will always be remembered. What a small world.
Well I can tell you that I have thoroughly enjoyed your book, what a wonderful life you and Karl have had and are still having....such adventures......Terrific for your daughters and grandchildren to have this record of the family. I laughed many times and became completly absorbed in your travels particularly to Australia...your work with Umberto and your bed & breakfast, how I wish we had been able to have gone there when you were still running it.The recipes look wonderful I have made Gerti's bread twice now it is fabulous. Shane is interested in trying your Gravlax recipe with sauces as he has done this over the years and it is always popular. Look forward to trying many moreof the recipes.
Please keep up your writing you are so clever at it and we shall await the next book!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011
This is the very well-written story of a journey of hope. Gerti Fuss, her husband Karl, travel from Germany to Australia and finally to Canada in search of a place to call home. It is a good read which propels you to the end much quicker than you would like. It is full of anecdotes, some of them very humorous. Above all, it is positive and inspiring.
This compelling story illustrates the power of hope and positive thinking. In the face of many hardships, Gerti knew what she wanted to do with her life by the time she was 14, and she stuck to the plan. She notes many times in the book that despite setbacks, it all worked out fine in the end. Gerti’s “chest full of hope” was not only a box full of her precious belongings, but also a state of mind.
The book also reinforces our appreciation for Canada. Gerti has been in Canada for 40 years now, but she has never stopped marvelling at her good fortune. Her vivid descriptions of everything she loves about her adopted country encourage those of us who have lived here all our lives to look around with fresh eyes. Also, the Canada we love owes a great deal to new Canadians like Gerti who put their hearts and souls into making Canada their home and making it better.Finally, Gerti’s ability to accomplish her career goals in the food and hospitality industry while maintaining a close and loving family life is inspiring indeed.Claudia
Posted by Unknown at 3:59 AM